Archival Documents
Unperfected Treaty of Annexation (Official Document from the U.S. National Archives)
Understanding Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities
Loko I‘a
Report of the Governor's Task Force on Moloka‘i Fishpond Restoration (May 1993)
Ho‘āla Loko I‘a Permit Application Guidebook (2016)
Moloka‘i Pule O‘o
Molokai: Future of a Hawaiian Island
Moloka'i Nui A Hina Case Study
This case study goes over current social, environmental, and economic conditions on Moloka‘i, and includes community input and planning on how to move forward as an island, towards a more just future.
Mauna Kea
Monk Seal Research
He Hulikoʻa Kanaloa—Seeking the Depths of Kanaloa: Hawaiian Religious Understandings of the Ocean
Environment: Science and Policy for Sustainable Development
People, Places and Plastic: Environmental Justice and Local Action
Synthetic Biology
2020 ʻĀina Momona Updates