Native Hawaiians, like many indigenous groups around the world, are innovators who have contributed significant scientific and cultural works to a global cache of knowledge. For decades, people and corporations have pirated the works for Hawaiians. ‘Āina Momona works in concert with numerous groups to protect the intellectual property and cultural works of native peoples.
On October 3-5, 2003, Kanaka Maoli of Ka Pae ‘Āina Hawai‘i gathered at Ka ‘Aha Pono - Native Hawaiian Intellectural Property Rights Conference - and united to express our collective right of self-determination to perpetuate our culture under threat of theft and commercialization of the traditional knowledge of Kanaka Maoli, our wahi pana and nā mea Hawai‘i."
The resulting document was the Paoakalani Declaration. Click on the image to read the document in full.